Blessing day- Easter Sunday, 2009
Jackson's 2nd annual Pine Wood Derby- Jeff Gordon even attended! :)
All these years waiting to buy pink and she looks great in green. Great!
What a sad life!
He really can sleep anywhere! :)
My Music
Monday, May 4, 2009
More pictures!
Quick rundown
I guess I better make some time to update with words as well as pictures! I thought I'd have some time while I was home on maternity leave to catch up the blog, but a fussy baby and a 3 year old seem to have eaten all my time up very quickly!
Maelie is doing well- she is getting less fussy, and is starting to react to her parents and brothers more. We love it when she smiles at us. It makes all the fussiness very worth it. We got to bless her on Easter Sunday- surrounded by family and thinking of Christ,it was kind of a special day all around.
Jamison love having mom at home, but thankfully loves the babysitter as well, so my first day back to work wasn't as traumatic for him as I thought it would be. He is a great helper, loves playing outside with his older brothers and loves to "give loves" to his sister.
Jacob lost another tooth recently, one of his front teeth. The tooth fairy only brought him $1 in coins and he thought he was ripped off. Kids these days! :) He too loves playing outside and loving on his baby sister.
Jackson is growing into quite the little man. He had his second Pine Wood Derby last month and was so sure his Army Hummer car would whoop up. It didn't, but he won the "Eat my dust award" anyway. :)
John is nearly 100% finished with his Masters degree. ISU should be discredited for requiring 400 internship hours when most people are working full time while they get their degrees. He got some good compliments on his Masters paper though and passed the oral defending/presentation of his paper as well. He is having fun coaching Track and hosting board game club (a big nerd, I know), right now and Cross country in the Fall. He says next year he'd like to get more involved with wrestling too! As long as he can find a principle ship soon- he can coach cheer leading for all I care!
As I alluded to earlier, I just returned to work after a healthy 7 week maternity leave. Man that went fast! I am a little nervous about the swine flu since I am out of sick days though :) I loved my time at home and can't wait to be able to stay home for good. Summer break is just 19 (school)days away though- so I am counting down and getting through.
We hope our friends and family are doing well and enjoying the blessings the Lord has given you!
New Maelie
Just testing this thing out.
Such a crying shame- all dressed up and nowhere to go...
Just Maelie and Dad sharing a moment.
A rare happy moment!
My close up!